Saturday, October 31, 2015

Finally Done and a New Beggining

Today I finally managed to finish up section 10 with some help from my friend Evan. Now that I am done I am starting to create my own game now. My problem at first was that I had finally manage to finish up all of the code in Frog actor but for some reason it just wouldn't work for some reason. In the end I realized that there was just a reference missing in the code but I just couldn't figure it out. But thankfully I asked my friend Evan for some help with the code and he quickly found where the reference should go. With that code done I moved on to the last lesson about Instructions and that for me was one of the easiest codes I have seen in my life. When I was done I was so proud that I finally manage to finish my goal and so I decided that it was finally time to start creating my own game.

This was my last and easiest lesson in a long time

Finally done with you Oracle
So I decided to start creating my own game. Everything was working out fine but unfortunately since it was near the end of class, all that I could get done was the background and the placing of 2 actor classes into the game (Sheep and Pointer). This is were I then took off the next class. I immediately started off by adding in the code to remove the sheep class from Greenfoot if the pointer intersected with the object. This surprisingly took a while but when it was done it worked perfectly and was glad that I took the time to make sure that everything worked out perfectly. I then decided to create an actor class to be the main villain of the game. I searched online and found the perfect villain that I wanted to be in the game. While the image in its current form might be a bit too big, I'll try to make it smaller and if that doesn't work I'll make him into a boss that you have to beat in the end of the game.
I'm just happy with what I have finally been able to achieve this week since, not only have I finished the Oracle learning program, I also was able to start making my game and was able to get most of the code to work.

As you can see the devil takes up way too much space on the background

Friday, October 23, 2015

Score Keeper oh Score Keeper I Hate You, You Stink

Today I realized two important things. The first thing was that while Eytan was presenting I realized that I really need to improve my game and get my own Freaky Friday up to par. Currently my presentation is a bit short and I doubt my topic is at interesting as Eytans topic (currently my topic is how the Syrian refugees are looked down upon by European due to them owning smartphones) for the kids in my grade. I know that I will really have to start considering how to improve and make my presentation better and more entertaining.
The Second thing that I realized (after I noticed that the code that I had worked on previously had deleted itself) was that the score keeper code that the damn score keeper code just wouldn't work for some reason. I tried several things but unfortunately I couldn't figure it out before class was over. So I was starting to reflect a bit about it. I believe that the best way to do this is to look over the code once again and if nothing ends up worrying after I work on it for 10 min ask Mark or Michael for help.
The Code that isn't working 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Getting Things Done

Today, at first I was not able to achieve my goals of finishing up loops and making the game over screen to show up. This was due unfortunately to the fact that the I was missing an entire section of code at the top of my screen. I kept trying to figure out why it wasn't working but I couldn't figure it out in the end. So I asked Mark for some help with the codying and he quickly pointed out that at the top I had forgotten to reference the code at the top. After doing this I realized that it worked and was super happy that I had asked Mark for help while doing this codying. I'm super happy with the results and can't wait to finally finish up section 10 and be done with all of these assignments.

The Code that didn't work without the reference

The part of the code that I was missing

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Frustration of Loops

Today I was working on making the end of my game and to finish the exercises up. Unfortunately for me there were several syntax errors with my coding and multiple problems with when a program started and ended. I unfortunately was not able to solve all of the problems that I was working on but to me that wasn't such a big deal since I was able to see how I had done several things wrong and learnt how to improve and to get things done correctly. Today clarified to me several different point and was super helpful even though I wasn't able to get the code done. Today was frustration but super rewarding and that is what I think matters in the end.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Finishing Up Loops

My goal for today was to finish up section nine and learning how to do loops. I was mainly able to finish up most of the loops section and was actually quite proud of how much I understood of loops and was super happy everything worked out so well. My notebook really helped me understand everything and was satisfied that I could see how everything was affected by other parts of code. I am pleased with my understanding and cannot wait for it to finish.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Creating the Code Journal

          Today my goal was to create a book which had all the commands in it that I had learnt over the course. I focused a ton of my time and effort to create this list of all the commands that I had learnt down on that notebook but by the end I’m glad that I did it. Looking back at all the commands that I had learnt I realized how far I had managed to progress and how much sense everything now made. I also was surprised by how I was starting to forget some pretty important commands such as the code that made the object reverse 180 degrees when it hits the grade. Even though today may not have seemed to be very productive in the way I was learning code. I thought that looking back at all the things that I had learnt really helped me see how much I had improved and jogged my memory on my past experiences that I was starting to forget

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Thinking on How to Improve My Greenfoot

Today I finished up section 9 but as I was thinking on how I could actually improve my Greenfoot. I have decided that I will write down all the commands that I have learnt over my course. Finally I decided that from now on, I will write down all the commands that I have learnt or will learn so that I know what I to type later on and cut down all of my errors. I think that this will be for the best and will be super helpful for me.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Struggles of Collision

Today I was working on finish up the 9th section, it was going good up until I got to the collision section. I managed to get the code for collision done and it all seemed to be working well up until the code was compiled, there was one big problem, the flies did disappear when they collided just not when it collided with the frog. The frog wouldn't make the flies disappear when they collided, only with each other. I ended up not solving this problem when the class finished and have been reflected on how to solve this problem. In the end after reflecting on it I decided that I would look more carefully at the code to find discrepancies and if that doesn't work, start from scratch.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Final Step of Learning

Today I had a hilarious error when I tried to play a sound when a key was pressed and it just wouldn't work. Fortunately I had several help from Gabriel and Michael and we were finally able to figure it out. Gabriel and I at first couldn't figure it out, we tried everything and nothing seemed to work until Michael pointed out that the Greenfoot.playSound("frog.wav"); was spelt incorrectly and that I had made Playsound not playSound. I was glad to finally be able to solve the problem and it really made me realize how important the capitalization in Greenfoot is.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

I'm Starting to Really Reconsider Codying

Today I managed to finish section 8 and get started on section 9. However to me this class I started to really think about why I'm doing code since it isn't really fun for me and its quite stressful. My previous projects on modding Fallout and Photoshop were stressful but I at least had fun while doing it and it made sense. For me I feel that this will be my first and last session were I learn how to code. I just don't think coding is for me and cannot wait till my learning sessions are done.