Saturday, November 7, 2015

Failure Spawning Enemies and Freaky Friday

Today I decided that I would start to work on trying to spawn the demon onto the game after you ate a certain amount of sheep. Unfortunately for me this didn't work as planned and even though when I looked up several examples of how to spawn an actor, it just didn't work. I looked up several examples and in the end it just didn't work. It was super frustrating, I really was pissed that it just wouldn't work regardless of what I did. Eventually at the end of class I managed to finally found a YouTube video that showed me how to do it. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to work on the code since unfortunately it was the end of the class.

Example of the Code that Didn't Work
I feel that the reason that it didn't really work was because I was being a bit too arrogant with my code since I didn't end up following the code that I had researched perfectly. I feel that I under utilized this code and that wasn't correct. However that was not my only problem since I realized this when I was working with the code, was that I tried to use the code word to word. Unfortunately this also didn't work and left me more frustrated then anything else. Hopefully this last video that I have found will work because if it doesn't I'm going to give up on trying to spawn and actor. This will suck for me since I want to make the demon get summoned. However, if it doesn't work I will compromise and just start him on the map. The worst part for me however was not that it didn't just work, it was the fact that when ever I seemed close to actually being able to execute the error, hold and behold, an error would appear. It just drained my energy, made me frustrated and in the end I just had enough. When the next class came along I felt reinvigorated and desperately tried to do the code correctly that I had found the previous day. I did the code and yet again another error message popped up. That was the moment I had realized that on top of this the code I had just put up was a code to randomly spawn a actor in the beginning of the game, not in the middle of it. Finally I just gave up, it just wasn't worth the time that I had lost or worth continuing. I feel that the fact that this code didn't work was that I was a bit impatient with my research and the fact that there might just not be any code that does what I want in Greenfoot unfortunately. However there was one good thing that happened this week and that was that I was finally able to present my Freaky Friday presentation on Friday. It was fun and I hope that I was a bit entertaining, since I know that Refugees and Smartphones isn't always the funnest topic to watch or listen to. For me though the best part about Freaky Friday was that I was finally able to achieve something in this class after 2 very bad lessons I wish I could forget.

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