Thursday, January 7, 2016

My Blog Reflection (Sorry for Ugly Display but I Don't Know how to Fix)

Blog Reflection Rubric

Exceeds Standard

Meets Standard

Approaching Standard

Below Standard
       My reasoning 
Thoughts are well organized and presented with no ambiguity. The writing is focused throughout the reflective piece. Style of writing is rich.
Thoughts are organized and logically presented. Some portions of the material are more developed and focused than others. Style of writing is apparent.
The material presented is scattered with gaps and needs transitions. Style of writing is generic.

Thoughts are presented in very general or incomplete terms. Style of writing is not discernable. There are obvious gaps and needs for additional information.
I tried to organize my thoughts as best and as clear as I could. Sometimes though I was not able to do this unfortunately and I thought that some of my blogs were weaker than others. I feel however, that I do have a style and I actually try my best to change it up sometimes.

Clearly identifies and illustrates strengths, weaknesses, confusions, and areas of inquiry by specifically stating areas and reasons for their occurrence.
Identifies strengths, weaknesses, confusions, and areas of inquiry by stating areas in which they occur, although does not explain reasons why they occur.
Identifies general strengths, weaknesses, and confusions but does not explain or illustrate these.
Reflection addresses strengths, weaknesses, or confusions in vague or incomplete terms.
I am a very conscientious person and am not afraid to point out my own mistakes and my successes. When  I have a problem, I point it out and try my best to rectify it. I'm not afraid to show the reader of my blog where I screwed up and made a mistake. I feel that I am very honest and clear in pointing out my problems and successes while explaining what my problems are.
Honestly communicates successes and failures with concrete examples. Clearly demonstrates a willingness to change and learn.
Communicates successes and failures openly but in general terms. willingness to change and learn.
Refers to successes and/or failures in broad and unsubstantiated terms. Willingness to change or learn cannot be determined from information presented.
References to successes, failures, thoughts, feelings, or processes regarding work, self, or students are missing or too ambiguous to be understood. Reflection does not include information that suggests a willingness on the part of the writer to learn or change in any way.
I feel that throughout the course I have been very honest in my communication with my successes and failures. Also, when I have been criticized I have changed and if you take a look at my blog, I am sure that you would notice a great change and improvement. 
Suggestions for self-improvement are clearly linked to a review of the strengths and weaknesses of current work.
Suggestions for self-improvement are generally related to perceived strengths and weaknesses.
Suggestions for self-improvement and proposed goals are too general or too tentative.
The relationship between perceived goals and current practice cannot be established either because the analysis is too superficial or has not been completely carried out. Goals are not stated in attainable terms.
While I am able to take criticism and work off of it to improve and get better, I don't always do it as well as I would hope and sometimes I am stubborn on what I am doing and don't change. However, almost all of my suggestions have been based on self improvement and are almost all about my strengths and weaknesses. 

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